Calculation of public holidays via table function in PL/SQL

In this blog post I would like to show how to calculate public holidays in Germany within a period of time using a table function in the Oracle database.

The calculation of the dates for the public holidays is made on the basis of the date of Easter (Easter Sunday). I have taken the following PL/SQL code from a post written by Thomas Uhren on his blog Oracle SQL und PL/SQL: Rund um Oracle und die Verwendung von SQL und PL/SQL von Thomas Uhren and added and adapted dates to include further public holidays in the federal state of North Rhine-Westphalia in Germany.

create or replace function get_easter_day
 pi_year in integer
return date
 v_k integer;
 v_m integer;
 v_s integer;
 v_a integer;
 v_d integer;
 v_r integer;
 v_og integer;
 v_sz integer;
 v_oe integer;
 v_os integer;
 v_day integer;
 v_month integer;
 v_k := floor(pi_year / 100);
 v_m := 15 + floor((3 * v_k + 3) / 4) - floor((8 * v_k + 13) / 25);
 v_s := 2 - floor((3 * v_k + 3) / 4);
 v_a := mod(pi_year, 19);
 v_d := mod((19 * v_a + v_m), 30);
 v_r := floor(v_d / 29) + (floor(v_d / 28) - floor(v_d / 29)) * floor(v_a / 11);
 v_og := 21 + v_d - v_r;
 v_sz := 7 - mod((pi_year + floor(pi_year / 4) + v_s), 7);
 v_oe := 7 - mod(v_og - v_sz, 7);
 v_os := v_og + v_oe;
 if (v_os ⟹ 31) then
  v_day := v_os;
  v_month := 3;
  v_day := v_os - 31;
  v_month := 4;
 end if;
 return to_date(v_day || '.' || v_month || '.' || pi_year, 'DD.MM.YYYY');
end get_easter_day;

Afterwards, the object types can be created for the table function:

create type holiday_t as object
 holiday_date date,
 holiday_name varchar2(30),
 holiday_only_in varchar2(100),
 holiday_description varchar2(100)

create type holiday_tab as table of holiday_t;

After that, the table function can be created:

create or replace function get_german_holidays
 pi_year_start in integer,
 pi_year_end   in integer
return holiday_tab pipelined
 v_easter_day date;
 for y in pi_year_start .. pi_year_end
  v_easter_day := get_easter_day(y);

  pipe row (
    to_date('01.01.' || y, 'DD.MM.YYYY'),
    'Gesetzlicher Feiertag'));

  pipe row (
    v_easter_day - interval '48' day,

  pipe row (
    v_easter_day - interval '2' day,
    'Gesetzlicher Feiertag'));

  pipe row (
    v_easter_day + interval '1' day,
    'Gesetzlicher Feiertag'));

  pipe row (
    to_date('01.05.' || y, 'DD.MM.YYYY'),
    'Tag der Arbeit',
    'Gesetzlicher Feiertag'));

  pipe row (
    v_easter_day + interval '39' day,
    'Christi Himmelfahrt',
    'Gesetzlicher Feiertag'));

  pipe row (
    v_easter_day + interval '50' day,
    'Gesetzlicher Feiertag'));

  pipe row (
    v_easter_day + interval '60' day,
    'BW, BY, HE, NW, RP',
    'Feiertag in BW, BY, HE, NW, RP'));

  pipe row (
    to_date('03.10.' || y, 'DD.MM.YYYY'),
    'Tag der Deutschen Einheit',
    'Gesetzlicher Feiertag'));

  pipe row (
    to_date('01.11.' || y, 'DD.MM.YYYY'),
    'BW, BY, NW, RP und SL',
    'Feiertag in BW, BY, NW, RP und SL'));

  pipe row (
    to_date('24.12.' || y, 'DD.MM.YYYY'),
  pipe row (
    to_date('25.12.' || y, 'DD.MM.YYYY'),
    '1. Weihnachtsfeiertag',
    'Gesetzlicher Feiertag'));

  pipe row (
    to_date('26.12.' || y, 'DD.MM.YYYY'),
    '2. Weihnachtsfeiertag',
    'Gesetzlicher Feiertag'));
  pipe row (
    to_date('31.12.' || y, 'DD.MM.YYYY'),

 end loop;
end get_german_holidays;

This script is also used in my next blog post PL/SQL: Identify dates of weekdays within time period using NEXT_DAY() function. There I explain how to use PL/SQL to dynamically determine days of the week.

Related posts:
Ermittlung von Feiertagen per Table Function (